While SOD's success is largely borne out by the massive demand of the marketplace, traditionalists have been affected. Here are some thoughts from those on the other side of SOD's rapid rise.

Sally: I'm not happy about SOD's surge pricing! I was totally happy with the old way - I'd book in advance, like NORMAL people do, and pay the agreed-upon rate. But now, it's 5:00 and I want some flowers delivered with a show and suddenly the price is up 400%? Forget it. SOD is messing with the market here!

Maria: They've got no respect for what it takes - 15 years ago, I came to this country with nothing, but through some janitor work and loans from my family, I was able to invest in my very own strippergram medallion - and those things aren't cheap! I've been strippergramming for a long time now, anybody thinks that they can do it, but believe me - do you know what to do when a client actually expects a real pizza after you're done with the show? 


Mike: They make it sound like this line of work is all rainbows and lollipops, but man - have you seen two strippergrams fight at a double-booking? It's not pretty. I wouldn't wish it on anyone. See this eye? Got torn out by a stripping clown. See this scar? From when I knocked out a trio of naughty Hobbits. Lots of newcomers here are really messing with the community, it used to be a great scene.



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